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Napkin Game Studio

Release: 1st of June, 2015

Platforms: Android, iOS

Napkin Game Studio is the world’s first smartphone game studio – it allows anyone that has a smartphone to build their own games in a matter of minutes. Napkin Game Studio is currently nominated for the HOT100 (awards for the 100 best Dutch student projects of 2013), as well as the HKU Awards 2013 nominee for Game Design & Development.
Napkin was my last 6-month graduation project, as part of my Master’s degree at the Utrecht School of Arts and Technology.


  • Developed with my custom Napkin Engine, built in C++
  • Runs smoothly on both iOS and Android
  • Additional test runtimes for Windows and Mac
  • Features a rule-based component system for complex object behavior
  • Uses Box2D for physics simulation
  • Managed to keep the self-contained APK-file under 600K